Individual Spiritual Teaching: Spiritual teaching is a special gift becoming a mentoring relationship between teacher and student. The student is individually taught how to hear God's voice, recognizing obstacles as they journey on. Once their obstacles are identified, OSV individual students find freedom to move more deeply into God. Students are selected who wish a transformational experience, and are committed to creating space in their lives, making their relationship with God their priority. Journaling every day is required. There is no cost for this modality.

Frannie Rose
Author, Speaker, and Spiritual teacher Frannie Rose, founded ONE SIMPLE VOICE in 2009 as a means to follow God’s will when he spoke the words to her, ”Teach them to hear me.” Frannie Rose inspires others to find the deep sense of peace and joy that come from discovering God's voice. She shares her own miraculous inner transformation, by helping others recognize the gifts within the difficulties in their lives, learning to hear God speak, and opening the doors to His infinite wisdom. She speaks and leads spiritual retreats throughout Colorado and works with both lay people and clergy, individually. Frannie holds a Master’s Degree in Speech and Language Communications and is the author of the acclaimed book, The Invitation: Uncovering God’s Longing to be Heard.